3 Ways to Know if Someone Muted you on Instagram

Have you ever sent a message to someone on Instagram, only to wonder why they never replied? It’s possible that you’ve been muted. In this article, we’ll show you three ways to tell if someone has muted you on Instagram.


1. Your messages aren’t being seen

If you’re sending messages to someone on Instagram but they’re not appearing in their inbox, it’s possible that you’ve been muted. When you’re muted, your messages will still appear in your own inbox as normal, but the person you’re messaging will never see them.

2. You can’t see their photos or videos

If you’re muted on Instagram, you also won’t be able to see the person’s photos or videos in your feed. This is because the algorithm that decides what appears in your feed takes into account whether you’ve interacted with someone recently. If you’re muted, Instagram will assume you’re not interested in seeing that person’s content.

3. You can’t see their stories

Another way to tell if you’ve been muted on Instagram is to check if you can see the person’s stories. Stories are a separate part of Instagram that show photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. If you’re muted, you won’t be able to see someone’s stories, even if you’re following them.

If you think you’ve been muted on Instagram, there’s not much you can do about it. The best course of action is to try and reach out to the person in another way, like through a different social media platform or by sending them an email.


The first way to tell if you’ve been muted is to check for muted stories. If someone has muted you, they will not see your stories in their feed. To do this, simply open the story feed and look for the person’s profile picture. If you don’t see it, they may have muted you.


The second way to tell if you’ve been muted is to check for muted messages. If someone has muted you, they will not see your messages in their inbox. To do this, simply open the conversation and look for the person’s profile picture. If you don’t see it, they may have muted you.


The third way to tell if you’ve been muted is to check for muted posts. If someone has muted you, they will not see your posts in their feed. To do this, simply look at the list of people who have liked or commented on a post. If you don’t see the person’s profile picture, they may have muted you.

how to know if someone muted you on instagram dm

There you have it! These are three ways to tell if someone has muted you on Instagram. If you think you’ve been muted, don’t take it personally – it’s probably just a matter of preference. And, if you’re the one doing the muting, remember that it’s a two-way street – you may be missing out on some great content from someone you’ve muted! There you have it! Three ways to tell if someone has muted you on Instagram. We hope this article was helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.


If you think someone has muted you on Instagram, don’t take it personally. There could be any number of reasons why they’ve chosen to do so. Instead, focus on the people who do want to hear from you and continue creating content that they’ll enjoy.

If you’re wondering whether or not someone has muted you on Instagram, there are a few ways to tell. The first way is to check for muted stories. If the person doesn’t appear in your story feed, they may have muted you. The second way is to check for muted messages. If you can’t see the person’s profile picture in your conversation, they may have muted you. The third way is to check for muted posts. If you don’t see the person’s profile picture in the list of people who have liked or commented on a post, they may have muted you.